Volunteer at Plum Village

    We only have volunteering opportunities for Wake Up in New Hamlet left until 1 august.

    Dear friends,

    Thank you for your interest in Volunteering

    Volunteering can be a very rewarding and fulfilling experience, allowing us to practice mindfulness in a spirit of joyful service, while helping to foster harmony and well-being for all the participants.

    Arrival and departure dates:

    All volunteers will arrive one week before the start of the retreat so that everyone can have time to settle in, orientate ourselves with the different mindfulness practices, and connect with other volunteers and the community.
    After the retreat ends, we will have a few days to help wrap up the retreat and have some time to share our experiences and offer feedback to one another and to the community and depart together.

    What do volunteers offer during our retreats?

    • Your quality of presence and your practice of mindfulness

    • Coordinating families for mindful service

    • Helping with translation (English/French, English/Spanish)

    • Fulfill the responsibilities you have signed up for

    • Helping with various tasks such as housekeeping, driving, organizing the food storage, the tea house..etc

    • Helping in the children's or teen program.

    Basic requirements:

    • good physical and mental health.

    • work harmoniously in a team

    • to have at least one retreat experience in Plum Village or other Plum Village practice centers

    • age between 18 and 65

    • to be able to speak English well enough to communicate with others.

    • Able to stay for the whole time (see the arrival and departure day below)

    • Able to pay contribution for your stay (see below)


    All volunteers are asked to camp during the retreat and bring your own tent and any camping equipment you need
    If you have any questions related to volunteering, please contact us via our contact form.
    If you meet the criteria above and are happy to help in such areas as these, please continue to fill out the form.

    Your personal information

    To join the BIPOC or LGTBQIA+ families, you must identify as part of that group. Not all groups may be available at every retreat or hamlet

    BIPOC stands for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, and LGTBQIA+ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (or Questioning), Intersex, Asexual, with the plus sign representing other sexual orientations and gender identities not covered by these letters. These terms are used to highlight the unique experiences and struggles of individuals within these groups.
    While we value and aim to respect your preferences, please understand that the final decision will also consider the broader needs of our community. We appreciate your flexibility and understanding in this matter.

    Volunteering Programs

    Please answer all questions in the form above here for all retreat option to appear

    Please note you will be assigned to the hamlet which is still in need of volunteers.

    Translation Experience

    Planting seeds: Practicing with children

    never1 time2 - 4 times5-10 times+10 times

    Your Journey with Plum Village

    never1 time2 - 4 times5-10 times+10 times

    never1 time2 - 4 times5-10 times+10 times

    On a Personal Note: Your Journey, Challenges, and Aspirations

    Kindly agree to the Following Guidelines

    Things to check if it does not send and you are not redirected to the success page:
    1. Ensure you've uploaded a required photo.
    2. If applying as a translator, record your audio clip.
    3. Ensure all field are entered filled in, they are all required
    4. If the application still won't submit, try deselecting and reselecting a few agreement checkboxes before attempting to submit again.